
A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further or pursue their education at an academic institution. Scholarships are awarded depends upon various criteria, such as academic merit, skill, financial need, and it may be vary for each courses based on the rules and regulations from Governments/concerned authorities/management.

Academic Calendar

An academic calendar is prepared for each batch by the respective class coordinator after discussing with Principal and subject in charges. It provides a comprehensive plan of the course for the corresponding year.


Continuing Medical Education (CME)

At STCAHS, we are conducting CME at regular intervals, usually once in every month, both for faculties and students. This would serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge skills and professional performance. Continuing medical education of our Institution named -SCIENTIA includes Faculty improvement program, Journal Club, Quiz competition and Webinar Series.

FACULTY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM is the process of providing professional development training and coaching to the faculty members to help them improve their work performance, particularly in specific areas such as teaching and research. The program is conducting usually once in every month. This creates a systematic way to improve their skills in following domains: Research article discussion, skills necessary to engage in scholarly activities and skills designing and implementing a professional development. This benefits not only the faculties but the entire students of our institution who also regularly attend this.

JOURNAL CLUBS are usually organized for students, they discus and evaluate about recent articles in academic literature, such as the Scientific literature, Medical literature or other clinically relevant articles. In addition to enabling members to keep abreast of the current medical literature, a journal club is an important forum for teaching research methodology, Clinical Epidemiology and Statistics, as well as providing opportunities for training in clinical decision making and gaining critical appraisal skills. Along with the Journal Club we used to conduct quiz competition for students and at time we will announce, appreciate and distribute the prizes to the winners which will help them to bring out the Academic Excellency.


Academic Monitoring Committee

Academic Monitoring Cell (AMC) is an important initiative in strengthening the academic structure of the University. It is a proactive intervention to promote academic excellence in the affiliated institutions. It is hoped that this program will instil renewed enthusiasm in the academic scenario of the University. As per the instruction from University an institutional academic committee was constituted to review the academic progress of the students. The primary objectives are to meet periodically and make objective assessment of ongoing academic programs such as examination, syllabus covered and constitute guidelines as per KUHS instruction and also to formulate steps and actions to rectify defects and inadequacies through feedbacks and discussions. A college council is also formed to monitor the activity of academic monitoring committee, and other academic activities in the college. Including the making of academic calendar for each academic year, teaching plan, faculty improvement programs etc.

Parents Teachers Association

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a partnership between parents and educators who strive to enhance student learning and enrich the lives of the students within the college. It is also a forum for parents to obtain knowledge and voice their opinions about what is happening in their college. There are innumerable benefits associated with the PTA in our institution. One of the greatest benefits associated is that it helps teachers to understand students from the parent’s perspective and vice versa. It helps parents to know all about the functioning of the college, problems and so on. It works towards making the college better and the best place to get a quality education. In this, it is the teachers and the parents that sit together and discuss various issues regarding college and even a particular student. The overall aim of the PTA meeting is to ensure the institution offers the best learning experience for the students keeping in mind their needs.

In our institution, the general body of the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) is met twice in every year; one at the beginning of the academic year and the other at the end. Further, Class PTA meetings are held twice in a year following their internal examinations. Parent- Teacher –Student Meetings are also convened in connection with these meetings.

Anti Ragging Committee

Ragging means any conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating, handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.

Our Anti ragging committee is always vigilant against ragging, and for that some steps are taken to stop ragging.

Students Supportive And Guidance Program (SSGP)

Kerala university of Health Sciences put forward a holistic student supportive program that aims to shape up every student entering the institution into a health professional who owns technical and social skills to perform various academic activities. Our institution is focusing on holistic development of students by addressing their issues like academic and scholastic issues, psycho-social issues, physical and reproductive issues. There are two Nodel faculty members in our institution for detecting early and preliminary intervention of issues faced by students. Guidance and counselling are considered as an effective tool for the early intervention of academic issues as well as emotional disturbances faced by students, for that our college introduced a mentor and mentee program, each student is assigned to each faculty for their support and guidance. This will improve overall performance of students.

Students Union

College union of LCOAH strives to promote opportunities for the development of character, leadership, efficiency, knowledge, democratic outlook and spirit of service among students. And also to train the students of the college in the duties, responsibilities and rights of citizenship, to encourage sports, arts and other cultural, educational and recreational activities, to work for the general welfare of the student community. The term of the union is generally one year from the date from which the union assumes office or till the date of elections to the union in the subsequent year.

The activities of college union is for one academic year. The system of election follows a direct mode where, the elected class representatives can elect the office bearers of the college (The Chairman, General Secretary, The Editor, secretaries for Arts and Sports) and the University Union Councillor. Staff adviser nominated by the Principal will be an ex-officio member without voting power. The College Union helps the students to promote and develop their artistic talents by organising arts festivals every year. The Union extends its support for the students to participate in various inter collegiate/university arts and sports events. To impart leadership training and to encourage the students in various constructive activities in the context of nation building serves as the pivotal objectives of the college union.